segunda-feira, janeiro 31, 2011

Lamat – Ghost in the Machines

Spooner :
You are just a machine, Imitation of life , Can a robot turn a Canvas...
Dr. Alfred Lanning :
There were always ghosts in the machines.
Random segments of code.
That have grouped together to form unexpected protocols.
Dr. Alfred Lanning :
These free radicals engender questions of free will ,creativity and even the nature of what we might call the soul.
Dr. Alfred Lanning :
There were always ghosts in the machines.
Random segments of code.
That have grouped together to form unexpected protocols.
Dr. Alfred Lanning :
Everything that follows is a result of what you see here.
Spooner :
Is there something you want to say to me?.
Dr. Alfred Lanning :
I am sorry, my responses are limited you must ask the right questions.
Spooner :
Robots dont feel fear, they dont feel anything, they dont get hungry, they dont sleep.
Sonny :
I do!. I have even had Dreams/
Spooner :
Human beings have dreams, Not you you are just a machine, imitation of life.
Spooner :
Can a robot write a symphony?, Can a robot turn a Canvas into a beautiful masterpiece?.
Can you?
Spooner :
You are just a machine.
Do filme: 'I Robot'

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